I can still see the light...

I see it. 

Behind your cold-hearted front and your stern voice, 

I can still see the light.

Your past is depicted all over you, from the way you talk to the way you carry yourself. And although you have yet to get passed the darkness of your past, 

I can still see the light. 

Maybe it is due to the random moments that you allow yourself to be human and feel or the times that you forget to mask your vulnerability with anger and pride. I am unsure of the how, but I do know that

I can still see the light. 

You are hurt, confused by, and used to the darkness that protected you from the realities of the world. It is a cold world after all, so why not maintain your instinctive coldheartedness. Well, the reason is your light. Despite the darkness of your past. The light exists in you and that's your superpower. You now struggle, not because of the memories of the past, but because the light in you requires different realities to unfold in order to shine.

There is a light. It is the light. The light in you. It is you. 

The light in you is what makes you wonder whether it's worth trying for better. The light in you is that voice in your head that begs you not to revert and quit when things get hard.

The light in you is the reason why flirting with your darkness has gotten harder. The light in you. I see the light. It is the light that allowed our energies and vibes to exchange frequencies.  

Can you see the light? Can you see your light? Do you believe in your light?

I believe in your light.

Stop fighting it. Let it reside in you and take over you. Let it take over the darkness that you are used to. No, it won't erase it; it will just brighten it. It will paint a different picture, a brighter picture. The beautiful and bright picture you never had the chance or time to dream of because life was just thrown at you.

But now it is different. You are in control. It's your turn to be human, happy, and in harmony. 


Sometimes the experiences of our pasts build a black castle that acts as a fortress to protect us from pain, disappointment, and suffering. It happens subconsciously. We often don't realize the damage something has caused to us until we damage or hurt someone else. 

The truth is that we all have darkness in us. However, we all, as individual and separate beings, are able to decide whether that darkness will define us or act as a growth stimulant. 

You cannot protect yourself without also depriving yourself from truly living and experiencing life. Examine your darkness not as a way of self-protection, but as a tool for a brighter future. 

When things get hard, keep your light burning. Focus on your light. You are equipped to get through any darkness or tough moment!

Your light is real. It's there. Let it shine. Let it glow. Let it grow. For the light is you...


Love Always,

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